ColdFusion 7 and JSON Data How to
How to use JSon encoded data with ColdFusion version 7? I have found a very little cfc to resolve this problem.
Now, in the ColdFusion 8 there is a dedicated function to do this, but if u need to use this encoded data in Coldfusion 7 also, u can find useful this short inforrmation.
The following code demostrate how to use:
<!--- code start ---------------- --->
thestruct = StructNew();
thestruct["realstring"] = "this is a real string";
thestruct["integer"] = 1234;
thestruct["FLOAT"] = 2.334;
thestruct["substruct"] = structnew();
thestruct.substruct["what"] = "this";
thestruct.substruct["what1"] = "this";
thestruct.substruct["what2"] = "this";
thestruct.substruct["myarray"] = arraynew(1);
thestruct.substruct.myarray[1] = "first";
thestruct.substruct.myarray[2] = "second";
thestruct.substruct.myarray[3] = "third";
thestruct.substruct.myarray[4] = 'the fourth has a " quote in it, as well
as a comma';
thestruct.substruct.myarray[5] = arraynew(1);
thestruct.substruct.myarray[5][1] = "sub-1";
thestruct.substruct.myarray[5][2] = "sub-2";
thestruct.substruct.myarray[5][3] = "sub-3";
thestruct = StructNew();
thestruct["realstring"] = "this is a real string";
thestruct["integer"] = 1234;
thestruct["FLOAT"] = 2.334;
thestruct["substruct"] = structnew();
thestruct.substruct["what"] = "this";
thestruct.substruct["what1"] = "this";
thestruct.substruct["what2"] = "this";
thestruct.substruct["myarray"] = arraynew(1);
thestruct.substruct.myarray[1] = "first";
thestruct.substruct.myarray[2] = "second";
thestruct.substruct.myarray[3] = "third";
thestruct.substruct.myarray[4] = 'the fourth has a " quote in it, as well
as a comma';
thestruct.substruct.myarray[5] = arraynew(1);
thestruct.substruct.myarray[5][1] = "sub-1";
thestruct.substruct.myarray[5][2] = "sub-2";
thestruct.substruct.myarray[5][3] = "sub-3";
<cfinvoke component="JSON" method="encode" data="#thestruct#"
returnvariable="result" />
{"realstring":"this is a real string","FLOAT":2.334,"substruct":
{"what2":"this","myarray":["first","second","third","the fourth has a \"
quote in it, as well as a comma",["sub-1","sub-2","sub-3"]],
<cfset input_string = '{key1:"string value",key2:["array","of",
"elements"],key3:123}' />
<cfinvoke component="JSON" method="decode" data="#input_string#"
returnvariable="result" />
<cfdump var="#result#">
<!--- code end ------------------------------- --->
returnvariable="result" />
{"realstring":"this is a real string","FLOAT":2.334,"substruct":
{"what2":"this","myarray":["first","second","third","the fourth has a \"
quote in it, as well as a comma",["sub-1","sub-2","sub-3"]],
<cfset input_string = '{key1:"string value",key2:["array","of",
"elements"],key3:123}' />
<cfinvoke component="JSON" method="decode" data="#input_string#"
returnvariable="result" />
<cfdump var="#result#">
<!--- code end ------------------------------- --->