Learn CF in a Week - Community

  • 12
  • Feb 2012
  • Dev @ Contech Lab
  • View: 20420 | 0 Comments

  • webdesign | coldfusion | learning | collaborate

  • Learn CF in a Week is a community driven training program that teaches all the basics you need to be a ColdFusion Developer in one week.

    This course was created by community experts who specialize in the different fields they wrote about, and cover all the essential skills. Completing this course will help you on your way to be hired as a ColdFusion developer, should that be a chosen career path. If you do not wish to work as a ColdFusion developer but wish to gain some ColdFusion knowledge, then this course is also for you

    Start the course today! View the course online, download the PDF or even view the eBook. There is nothing stopping you from being a ColdFusion developer within a week!